Honey Bee’s & Flowers ALSB Senior Luncheon and Menu Theme Local Seniors Enjoy Assistance League of Santa Barbara Hospitality By Bonnie Carroll Kudos to the Assistance League of Santa Barbara Board of Directors and volunteer members who began the new year by hosting their 2024 Annual Friendship Luncheon at 1259 Veronica Springs Road for over eighty Santa Barbara seniors representing a bevy of nearby area senior residence properties. 
ALSB volunteer member Kitchen Crew preparing the 2025 Senior Honey Bee’s & Flowers Lunch. The ALSB reaches seniors through Friendship Luncheons, joining forces with Food from the Heart, Meals on Wheels, and the adult day program Friendship Center to serve hot meals, thus assisting seniors each year. Additional ALSB programs include Operation School Bell, Children’s Art Programs, Educational Reading and Scholarship Programs, Health Care Needs Programs that are all hands-on programs by volunteers designed to meet specific needs of individual communities. The volunteers of these ALSB programs have achieved true transformation in their communities and have helped make a better world possible. .jpg)
The Leslie Lembo Trio (Leslie Lembo, George Friedenthal and Dennis Berger) The lovely senior Friendship Luncheon featured live entertainment, a delicious menu of iced tea, crustless spinach quiche, croissants, green salad, and individual mini-bundt cake desserts with coffee, that was all personally prepared and served with love by the ALSB board and members. The Leslie Lembo Trio provided fun interactive entertainment, and helpful information was presented on the ALSB Teddy Bear Operation. Following lunch President Judy Ricthie welcomed all in attendance to go on a shopping trip in the ALSB Thrift Shop. 
Judy Ricthie welcomes area Senior residents to Senior Luncheon I have enjoyed attending ALSB events, as well as special sales at their Thrift Shop over the years and continue to be so impressed by the care, hard work, and attention to detail given by this devoted group of women, 350 members currently, who oversee 14 philanthropic programs to help men, women, and children of all ages. The organization founded in 1948 is now celebrating 75+ years of caring and community action, while always demonstrating commitment, leadership, ethics, accountability, and respect, which are the core values of ALSB. The current ALSB board of directors 2023-2024 includes Judy Ricthie, President, Carol Saucedo, President-Elect; Nikki Rickard, VP of membership; Lena Shutt, VP of philanthropy; Janice Calsar, VP resource development; Pat Eliason, recording secretary; Allison Hedge, corresponding secretary; Sydney Tredich, strategic planning chair; Mary Lopez, Chief Financial Officer; and Pam Giller, Public Relations. For information or donations please visit ♦ ♦ ♦-